Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I do like these Crystalite hooks

They're much lighter than aluminum hooks and don't hurt my hand as much to use them. At first the yarn doesn't slide as smoothly as it does on aluminum hooks but after a bit it loosens up and slides fairly well. They're a little on the flexible side so you have to be careful with the smaller ones but I will be using these as much as I can, especially with big projects such as afghans. I can crochet just as fast or faster with them and don't have quite the strain on my hand as I do with a heavier hook. I'll just have to keep the thing they came it because it's hard to tell what size you're using and the size is marked on the package. Until I can remember what color is what size anyway.

Ok, back to trying to finish these afghans so I can play with my sock yarn and work on the other rose afghan that's been ordered.

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