I tried my very best not to start on a cocoon sweater but everyone kept posting pictures of these gorgeous things at Crochetville and in their blogs and I couldn't help myself. I had bought 2 skeins of Bernat Softee Baby-one in soft lilac and the other in mint. I was curious what the 2 would look like if worked together and that sweater called me again so I started one. The 2 colors look wonderful together and I'm getting more just as soon as I get the rest of the yarn I need to finish my pineapple pillowghan. I just hope Wal Mart doesn't pull what they pulled back when I was finishing a granny afghan for a friend and stop putting either of those colors up because they only had 2 skeins of the lilac at the store I went to the other day and now I wish I'd bought them both. There is another WM fairly close by that I can also check so I'm not totally screwed yet, we'll see. I'll have to wait anyway because I really need to finish the pillowghan and a babyghan before I get on too many other projects.
Speaking of that, on the UFO challange I've decided to finish an arrowhead design MAM that I started God knows how long ago and I should still be able to get the yarn I need to finish it. I used Red Heart Super Saver in colors that aren't likely to be discontinued so as soon as I figure out how much I have on hand and how much I'll need to buy it's back onto the Arrowhead. I'm not sure what I'll do with it once it's finished but I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.
Anyway, I think I'm sinking in UFOs and Wannados.
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