Friday, March 25, 2005

Headdesk moment.....almost

I'm in the pillowghan CAL at Crochetville and had decided to do the pineapple pillowghan mostly cause I love the pineapple pattern.

The first time I try to make the square I had to frog back to the 3rd rnd cause I can't count to 6. I had 5 tr in one of the pineapple bases and didn't notice till I had almost finished. I frogged back and fixed it and finished the square. It was 11" instead of 12" so I went from a J to a K hook and I started another square with the same thing happening, I had to frog it again *headdesk* I finished the square this morning and I'll be darned if it still wasn't 11" so before I did another *headdesk* I tried adding another rnd and this is the result:

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I kinda like it, makes the pineapple a little pointier. At least it's 12" now and no more *headdesk* unless I forget how to count to 6 again *wink*

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