I was just reading at Crochetville about someone who got a dress dummy for real cheap. Someone else posted about a thread at Craftster about making duct tape dress dummies and I posted a site where there's a tute for making one. The trouble with the duct tape dummy is that you need two people to make one, the model for the dummy and the person to wrap the model.
I just had a wild idea to crochet one. Using old leftover yarn and a small hook for a firmer fabric I think I can make one. I can start at the neck and work my way down using my measurements. Then I can stuff it to my measurements and put it on a stand. If I decided to use it for sewing then I'd be able to stick pins in it without them getting the sticky stuff from the tape all over them. I don't know when I'll be able to attempt this since I have some stuff that needs to be done first but when I get an idea like this it usually won't let me go until I try it.
Wish me luck. I have no idea if it'll work or if I'll be able to write a pattern for it but for now I just want to see if I can make one.
what an idea! and that would be quite the project to accomplish.
Thanks, I've gotten an idea of how I want to do it, I just need to get a few things that I don't have, like an eggshell mattress pad to use for a form, should give it some body and support too.
It's really the bust area that might give me some trouble but I've just about figured out how to do it.
I'm thinking about using some pvc pipe for a stand and support, shouldn't take much and pvc really isn't all that expensive, I've bought enough pipe and fittings for hubby to know that.
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