Friday, June 24, 2005

Another shrug

I've started another shrug, this one is from a frogged sweater. I frogged the sweater awhile back and wasn't sure what I was going to make with it and this morning it spoke to me and said it wanted to be a shrug. It won't be exactly like the one I just did although I'll be using the same stitch-a V stitch, it's easy and works up fast. The pic I'm posting is the start of the sleeve, I don't know if I'll try to finish or put it up until I do a few more roses but I just wanted to start it.

If you can't see it, the yarn is a light blue and I think I have enough to make a shrug with longer sleeves and still be able to add the ruffle. I'm hoping I can make it a little looser too, I made the starting circle a bit bigger so that should help. I might make the back a bit bigger too. I'm not sure exactly how long I want the sleeves yet, but I'm thinking maybe ¾ length, we'll see, that seems to be the length the yarn is telling me to make it so that's probably what I'll do.

Here's the pic, FWIW:

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At least it's helping me with one of my crochetalongs, the Recycled Yarnalong ;)

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