A lady in our church is pregnant and I wanted to make her something other than a blanket, clothes or anything that is normally crocheted for babies. A newbie to Crochetville was asking for suggestions and someone else suggested a portable diaper changing pad done in the potholder stitch. I don't like holding the piece the way the tutorial describes, it slows down my progress so I hold it like I always hold my crochet projects and just crochet through the back lp and next loop below, I get the same results and it goes almost as fast as doing plain sc.
I found a partial cone of some Peaches n Cream cotton yarn and I'm trying this with that. I'll have to wash it when I'm done to make sure it's clean and sanitary but it's coming along pretty well. I'm using a size J hook and ch 56 to have 55 sc across the narrow end. I'm figuring at least 30" long should be long enough and I'll be putting a tie on one end so it can be rolled up and tied for portability.
She looks like she's pretty far along and I haven't heard when her shower is yet so I'm trying to hurry with this, now that I have the stitch down (after frogging a couple of times cause I lost a st somewhere) I should be able to have this done fairly quickly.
She's my former sister in law's niece so I wanted to do something I hadn't done for anyone else, this sounded like something special.
Now that I've got the stitch down I might be making some potholders from some old yarn I have lying around, no more making two squares and joining them together. For functional potholders this stitch is great.
Thanks for the link to the stitch. It is really interesting!
You're welcome.
I tried it the way the tutorial said and couldn't get it as fast as I did when I did it my way, so I do it my way ;)
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