Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Roses afghan is coming along

I have two more rows done and attached. Not without some small setbacks-I had to completely redo one rose because I didn't notice that I had only made 7 petals instead of 8. So far I haven't had any big setbacks except for putting it down for a long while but I do that anyway. I only have one other project I have to finish soon then I might put crocheting down for awhile.

I don't have a picture yet but I might in after awhile. I only have 5 more rows of squares to do then the borders and I'm going to try my darndest to finish it before Thanksgiving so I won't be surfing as much even if I'm online, I'll be crocheting while surfing-mostly crocheting.

See you all around now and then.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I got my scarves!!

My scarves arrived today and boy are they gorgeous!! A big thank you to my swap partner for such pretty purples and patterns. I can't wait until the weather gets cool enough to try them out.

Here they are:

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